Biogas Tankstelle im Abendlicht
Königs Pflanzenenergie GmbH & Co. KG

Biogas fuelling station in Neuss

From horse manure to biomethane fuel

Königs Pflanzenenergie has been working on the subject of biogas for a long time and has decided to produce its own fuel and market it locally. Horse manure from the neighbouring horse farms is fermented to produce the biogas. The resulting biogas is processed, dried and then sold as certified fuel (BioCNG) to local transport companies and public organisations. This results in a local circular economy in which waste materials are processed into a sustainable and renewable fuel.

Noordtec supported the project from the approval phase with the corresponding engineering and planning services. After approval, the plans were finalised and the system was manufactured and put into operation by Noordtec. Since the opening at the beginning of 2023, we have also been supporting the CNG filling station with our service, ensuring 24/7 operation of the filling station for transport companies and public enterprises.

Our expert for biogas- and cng-projects

Olaf Schröder

Business Development & Sales
+49 (0) 4488 76496 – 0